The Teachers‘ Series 2021: A Survey on Teachers’ Mental Health in Singapore

The Teachers’ Series (TTS), an initiative by Singapore Counselling Centre, aims to start conversations about our teachers’ mental health and wellbeing.

In the midst of the COVID-19 season, TTS hopes to honour a group of unsung heroes – our teachers. From a sample of 1325 teachers, the TTS report features an exploratory study done between August to September 2021 on the mental wellbeing of our teachers and the unseen pressures they face in their role. 

These are some key findings that are addressed in the report:

  • High workload and a lack of work-life balance are the top 2 key issues faced by teachers.
  • Symptoms of poor mental health were commonly experienced by teachers which puts them at risk of developing mental health issues.
  • Barriers to seeking help from mental health professionals and supervisors remain present.

In response to our teachers’ needs, the report covers the following recommendations:

  1. Actionable structural changes including reducing class sizes and improving the student-teacher ratio.
  2. Creating communication channels for teachers to provide feedback on policies introduced and issues they face.
  3. A mindset and behavioural change where parents seek to collaborate with teachers toward a common goal of their child’s development, and for students to take ownership of their learning and actions.

“To the teachers who have been consistently doing your best in building our next generation, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for continuing to show up for our children and youths day after day, despite the pressures you face”. — John Shepherd Lim, Chief Wellbeing Officer

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